Alex Robinson Returns
Advanced Competition Obedience Training
Five Days of Fun & Learning: Saturday, May 20 – Wednesday, May 24, 2023
Location: Donida Farm, 16600 SE 376th, Auburn, WA
Unique Opportunity to Learn from Alex
Working spots are reserved for handlers who had working spots when Alex presented his seminars in 2019 and/or 2022. If working spots are available after April 15, we will offer them to previous seminar attendees.
Auditing spots are open to anyone who would like to learn from this amazing instructor from New Zealand. Auditors may bring their dogs and work them during breaks on their own. (If you’re not familiar with Alex, his dogs, background, and accomplishments, visit this link:

Seminar Topics by Day
Saturday: Review of foundation skills, including engagement, mechanics and heeling from 2019 and 2022 workshops.
Sunday: Problem solving with each worker choosing exercises or concepts they would like to work on with Alex. Alex will help participants understand his approach to diagnosing issues and coming up with solutions. After each person has their individual floor time, the rest of the working teams will have the opportunity to try the techniques as a group.
Monday: Heeling, fronts and finishes from beginning to advanced skills. Alex will share his techniques, concepts and games to train and maintain animated and precise heeling, fronts and finishes in the ring.
Tuesday: Signals and drop on recall during the first half of the day, followed by trial prep, ring entrances and engagement between exercises.
Wednesday: Retrieve, scent discrimination, go-outs and jumping during the first half of the day, followed by tricks and games to keep training fresh, build confident and increase drive.
Video Pre-Seminar Homework: Workers and auditors will receive an invitation to join private Facebook groups that include videos and written homework material. Workers will be expected to refresh their skills.
Working Spots:
All Five Days $545.00
Sat, Sun & Mon $365.00
Sat, Sun, Mon & Tues $465.00
Sat, Sun, Mon & Weds $465.00
Reminder: To qualify for a working spot you must have attended one of Alex’s previous seminars in a working spot.
Auditor Spots:
All Five Days $300.00
Four Days $250.00
Three Days $200.00
Two Days $150.00
One Day $75.00
Seminar Details
Working teams are limited to 15 and must have attended (in a working spot) one or both of Alex’s previous workshops. If all 15 working spots are not filled by April 15 we will offer them to people who previously audited Alex’s previous seminars. Working teams may bring a maximum of two dogs and choose which dog to work during each session. No aggressive, reactive or noisy dogs. The cost for working teams registering for Saturday, Sunday and Monday is $365. Each additional day will be $110. Attend all five days for $545.
Auditors are limited to 20. Auditors are permitted to bring one dog and crate inside the facility, provided the dog is not aggressive, reactive or noisy. Auditors may work their dogs during breaks (in a small section of the arena), but not during the actual workshop or when working teams are on the floor. Alex will not be able to provide feedback to auditors regarding their dogs as that would not be fair to the teams who paid for working spots. The cost for auditors is $75 for one day, $150 for two days, $200 for three days, $250 for four days and $300 for all five days.
Each day’s seminar will begin at 9:30 am and end at 5:00 pm, with morning and afternoon breaks. The building will open at 8:30 am each day. Coffee, tea, water, soda and snacks will be available all day. Lunch will be provided. Saturday evening we will grill hamburgers and enjoy a casual potluck dinner with Alex at Donida. Other dinners will be on your own, although we may also have a couple of no-host dinners at local restaurants.
The seminar will be held in the arena at Donida (where we held the November 2022 seminar), which includes a packed dirt floor. The footing will be specifically rolled for the seminar. Alex will have access to a professional PA system and headset so everyone can easily hear him. This arena has “real” bathrooms and a lounge where refreshments and lunch will be served. The arena is heated with portable propane heaters. Bring your own comfortable chair and dress in layers.
Parking is very close to the arena on gravel.
The Farm is approximately 40 minutes from SeaTac Airport. Donida Farm & Equestrian Center,
16600 SE 376th, Auburn WA 98092 Driving directions are available at:
On-site RV parking without hook-ups is available at no cost. There are showers available. Electricity is $10 cash, payable on arrival to Donida. Contact Gwen at to make a reservation.
Motels (and a casino) are located within a 15-minute drive. Contact Kathy at if you need a list of nearby motels.
No audio or video recording is allowed, with the exception of your one-on-one time with Alex during the problem solving day.
No refunds unless we have a waiting list and we can fill your spot; however, you may sell your spot to a friend provided they are qualified (working spot qualifications, if applicable) and you give us written confirmation.
Registrations and payments
Deposits: A deposit of one-half of your total registration cost is required to hold your spot. Requests for refunds of deposits must be received in writing by April 30, 2023. $50.00 will be withheld for administrative fees.
The remaining balance must be received by May 1, 2023. No refunds whatsoever after May 1, 2023; however, if you are unable to attend and can sell your spot to your friend, you may do so, provided the friend is qualified to attend (working spot), and you notify us in writing.
More information will be sent via email as the seminar draws closer.
This seminar is brought to you by Kathy Lang & Gwen Blake